A conversation with the Chair of the United Soybean Board (Part 1)

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

Phillip Good is a soybean, corn, cotton, cattle, and catfish farmer from Macon, Mississippi. Phillip wears several hats. He has served as a member of the United Soybean Board (USB) for the past seven years and was recently elected to serve as Chairman of the board. Along with farming and USB, he is also active in Farm Bureau and as a real estate broker. With all that he has just added another title to the list, “Grandpa”. The Ohio Field Leader had a chance to catch up with Phillip and learn more about him and his goals for USB in 2025.

OFL – Congratulations on being elected to serve as Chair of USB. Tell us a little more about yourself and your farming operation.

Good –   We farm with our son and daughter in Macon, Mississippi.… Continue reading