Keep an eye on late season disease progression in crops

By Robert Waller, Seed Genetics Direct sales agronomist

Robert Waller, Seed Genetics Direct sales agronomist

As we enter into the final laps of this growing season, it is important to keep assessing the conditions of your crops. We’ve had early wet, mid-summer heat, dry then wet depending on where you are, with extremely different conditions all over the state. Check on your crops for progressing diseases, especially tar spot in corn.

We continue to evaluate our current lineup and new experimental hybrids in many research plots across the Indiana and Ohio geographies and need as many observations as possible to help select products that have improved tolerance to this new disease. Please respond with any comments and observations from your fields to help us get a better handle on how our lineup is handling this new challenge.

Also keep an eye out for gray leaf spot and northern corn leaf blight so that we can better assess the impact of those diseases.… Continue reading