Late Season Soybean Update
By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off
As the calendar page turns to September, thoughts turn to the upcoming harvest season. The dry weather across much of Ohio has soybean farmers concerned about how the beans will finish out. Dr. Laura Lindsey is the OSU Extension State Soybean and Small Grains Specialist. Lindsey says that the 2024 growing season has had a good deal of weather variability.
“The early season drought this year was more in the southern portion of the state whereas the northwestern portion was actually really wet the beginning of the year,” said Lindsey. “That might explain some of the differences there. In our research trials where we look at different soybean planting dates, we planted as early as March 25th and as late as June 24th. In our trials, depending on the planting date, we’re seeing a wide range of maturities.”… Continue reading