Navigating the EPA’s Endangered Species Act (Part 1)

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

The Endangered Species Act (EAS) was enacted in 1973. It prevents the “take” of various species (both plants and animals) unless the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or National Maritime Fisheries Service permit the activity. The term “take” means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, trap, capture, or collect. The ESA also ensures that no federal action risks jeopardizing federally listed endangered or threatened species or adversely modifying their critical habitat. Kyle Kunkler, Director of Government Affairs with the American Soybean Association says that currently there are approximately 1700 listed species that are found in all 50 states, all US territories, even overseas. Approximately half of the species are plants and about half are animals.

The part of the definition which covers federal agency actions would include pesticide registrations. “A general example of a federal agency action that’s required to be reviewed for its impact on species would be permitting for a bridge or a road or fishing or mining permits.… Continue reading