Findlay Green Waste Site Opening For The Season

The City of Findlay’s Green Waste Site is opening for the season on Tuesday.

That’s good news for many of us who have no excuses now not to get yard work done considering we’ve been ordered to stay home.

Details are in the following news release from the city.

The City of Findlay Green Waste Site will reopen on April 7, 2020. The Green Waste Site is located at 330 North Cory Street, behind the Public Works Department building, with a new entrance this year near the railroad tracks off North Cory Street, follow the arrow boards. For more information on the location, visit the Green Waste Site webpage.

Green Waste Site hours will be:
Tuesday through Friday: 2pm-7pm
Saturdays: 8am-1pm (excluding holidays)

The green waste site is for yard waste disposal (leaves, brush, limbs, grass) and is available to Findlay residents at no charge.

The green waste site is intended for residential use only. No contractors will be permitted to use this site.

Only tree trimmings, brush, leaves, and grass clippings can be dumped in designated areas at the site. Absolutely no bags, trash, or debris other than leaves, brush, limbs, and grass will be accepted.

Residents caught dumping construction debris, household items, tires, or other debris not considered yard waste will be forbidden to dump at the site in the future and their names will be forwarded to the Police Department.

The City of Findlay will not be responsible for any damage or injury to vehicles or equipment resulting in the loading or unloading of yard debris, mulch, or dirt.

When available City residents may purchase in bulk natural wood landscape mulch for $15.00 per 1 cu. yd. backhoe scoop and composted leaf garden dirt for $30.00 per 1 cu. yd. scoop. Delivery is available in town for $30.00. For out of town delivery, please call the Street Department at 419-424-7181 for delivery fee. Payment may be made by check made payable to: City of Findlay or by cash in the exact amount. No change will be given.

Please report all violations to the Findlay Street Department at 419-424-7181 or the Findlay Police Department at 419-424-7150.

If you have any questions, please call the Street Department at 419-424-7181.

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