Early harvest getting started in dry Ohio fields

Jeff Rea

It’s dry. It’s dusty. it’s getting hot. That’s about what it looks like right now. We’re in that weird holding period when things are trying to struggle and maybe put on those last few kernels maybe the last few beans, but I don’t think they’re going to do a whole lot more. In corn, the ears are dropping and they’re starting to dry down a little bit. Beans are still pretty green. I don’t see any leaves turning on them yet at all, but we did get him in fairly late.

We got a tenth of an inch of rain on Friday, but I don’t think we’ve had more than half an inch for the last month actually.

Wilty is the adjective if I would use to describe the crops. We went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and when we came home, we noticed everything — even long-established shrubs and trees — the leaves are drooping.… Continue reading