Ohio Supreme Court Issues Ruling On Anti-Gerrymandering Amendment

(ONN) – The Ohio Supreme Court has issued a ruling on language that would affect Issue 1 in the November election.

Issue 1 seeks to remove politicians from the redistricting process and create an independent commission in an effort to eliminate gerrymandering and draw fairer districts.

The group ‘Citizens, Not Politicians’ says the language inserted into the redistricting amendment by Secretary of State Frank LaRose is misleading and includes biased language that deliberately encourages voters to reject the amendment.

The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that two provisions must be revised in the ballot language for a proposed constitutional amendment on redistricting.

The group ‘Citizens, Not Politicians’ requested all 8 provisions to be changed, but the supreme court ruled only two must be changed.

Those include section 5, which deals with proportionality, and section 8, which deals with public participation.