Soybean Harvest Considerations During Dry Weather

By Dr. Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension Soybean and Small Grain Specialist, adapted from C.O.R.N. 2024-31

Currently, most of Ohio is experiencing abnormally dry to exceptional drought conditions (U.S. Drought Monitor), which can bring along additional challenges during harvest.

Pod Integrity. When dry pods are re-wetted, they may split and shatter, resulting in soybean seeds on the ground (Figure 1). At harvest, shatter losses are less likely to occur when grain moisture is approximately 13%. As grain moisture decreases, shatter losses can increase. In previously conducted field trials, we’ve measured 8% loss when harvesting at 9% grain moisture content. At 13% grain moisture content, we still measured some loss, but at a much lower level (1-2%). If possible, harvest soybeans timely to avoid pod shatter and harvest losses. The loss of four soybean seeds per square foot equals about one bushel per acre in loss. These losses may not always be easily visible as the seeds are often covered by soybean residue and chaff, which need to be brushed away from the soil surface.… Continue reading