Endangered Species Act a continued concern for soybean growers

The American Soybean Association is expressing concern after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency imposed additional restrictions on farmers — a move that seems to have followed adverse comments from environmental groups. A new registration for glufosinate-P was announced Oct. 18; however, EPA lagged in releasing the final label for that registration. The label is finally available, and with its public posting, additional, unwarranted restrictions are evident.

“EPA seems to have relented to pressure from environmental groups and decided to impose additional Endangered Species Act restrictions on farmers,” said Alan Meadows, an American Soybean Association director from Tennessee.

In their glufosinate-P draft registration comments, environmental groups claimed the number of runoff points and the size of the spray drift buffers currently required by EPA are insufficient. In response to the comments, EPA expressed confidence in its own findings that the registration would not jeopardize species or their habitats. Further, the agency said the draft registration was informed by the Herbicide Strategy.… Continue reading