Postharvest grain system maintenance tips

Harvest is completed and grain is in the bins, but there’s still work to be done. GSI District Manager Dave Ellis says it’s important for farmers to perform postharvest grain system maintenance.

“If they haven’t already done so, now is the time to check their grain bins, dryers and grain handling equipment,” he said. “Maintenance work following harvest helps prevent preseason replacement, and an ounce of prevention can help save farmers tons of problems next season.”

Ellis’ recommendations include:

  • Grain pit — Clean out the grain dump pit to prevent it from filling up with debris or allowing any remaining grain to rot, which could attract rodents or other pests. If the pit has a sump pump, ensure it is working to avoid water buildup.
  • Grain conveyors — Inspect the bearings on grain legs and conveyors to make sure they are in good working order. Check that grain elevator belts and buckets are intact and that belts are tight and replace as needed.

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