U.S. soy farmers experience checkoff’s global impact firsthand

Stretching from Nebraska to North Carolina and Ohio to Mississippi, 10 U.S. farmers who have started careers in production agriculture recently journeyed to Honduras and Guatemala. As part of United Soybean Board’s See for Yourself mission, the group experienced an in-depth look at the soy checkoff’s investments in international market growth. With about 60% of the U.S. soybean crop exported, in addition to value-added poultry and meat products traveling overseas, these next-generation U.S. farmers experienced the global impact of U.S. soybeans.

“With these U.S. soybean farmers across several states contributing to the soy checkoff, this mission allowed them to see firsthand how their investments grow export markets,” said Philip Good, USB Chair and farmer from Mississippi. “Not only that, but better understanding how the ports and infrastructure affect U.S. Soy products internationally and the importance of the Panama Canal were critical to the discussion. Whether it was seeing poultry and egg products fed U.S.… Continue reading