H2Ohio Update
By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off
Since the initial roll-out in 2020 with 14 counties in the Maumee River Watershed, the H2Ohio program which is centered around water quality and nutrient management has been expanded statewide. Terry Mescher is program manager for the H2Ohio program with the Ohio Department of Agriculture. The Ohio Field Leader had an opportunity to visit with Mescher and get an update on the current status of the H2Ohio program.
OFL – In the past year the H2Ohio program has been expanded to include all of the Buckeye state. Can you give us an update on how the expansion initiative has gone?
Mescher – This past year we expanded the H2Ohio program across the rest of Ohio. Looking at our targets, we had a budget for about 500,000 acres statewide. We opened enrollment for nutrient management planning and implementation, specifically across the rest of the state for a couple different reasons.… Continue reading