Applications open for 2025 ExploreAg STEM camps

Ohio Farm Bureau’s signature ag literacy and workforce development program, ExploreAg, will once again be offering free weeklong camps and one-day experiences for high school students in 2025.

In ExploreAg, teens learn about agriculture and related STEM fields from industry experts, scientists and educators. Participants visit locations like ST Genetics Ohio Heifer Center and Sunrise Cooperative, manufacturers like Bob Evans and CropKing, and college research laboratories at Ohio State, Wilmington and Findlay. During these multiday or daylong immersion programs, students are able to develop their leadership and collaboration skills and prepare for college and further careers.

“These camps truly highlight the vast array of possibilities for a meaningful career in Ohio’s farm and food industries for students who may have never considered seeking a role in these fields,” said Katie Share, ExploreAg and youth development specialist with Ohio Farm Bureau. “As the need for a strong next generation of workforce continues to grow, agriculture is teeming with opportunities in all aspects of food production, from agronomy to technology, and we are excited to share many of these opportunities with ExploreAg participants.”… Continue reading