Soy Transportation Infrastructure Considerations in the U.S. in 2025

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

The Soy Transportation Coalition (STC) exists to promote a cost effective, reliable, and competitive transportation system that serves the agriculture industry. This initiative was established in 2007. Mike Steenhoek currently serves as Executive Director of the Soy Transportation Coalition. The Ohio Field Leader (OFL) had the opportunity to catch-up with Steenhoek during Commodity Classic and discuss the status of Mississippi River shipping and some of the key initiatives for the coming year.

OFL – Water levels on the Mississippi River had an impact on shipping soybeans last year. Do you have an update on the potential for barge transportation as we go into 2025?

Steenhoek – When you look south on the Mississippi River, places like Memphis and New Orleans, you will find water levels that are sufficient. Once you start moving up to St.… Continue reading

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