Families Clash Over Final Resting Spot Of Hancock County Man

10/4/17 – 6:50 A.M.

Hancock County Probate Judge Kristen Johnson is overseeing a unique case. The Courier reports Johnson has to determine the final resting place of William Eisaman Jr. Eisaman died last year and buried in the Arcadia Cemetery. However, his widow had the body exhumed and reburied in the Becthel Cemetery east of Van Buren. Charlene Eisaman says her husband wanted their grave plots next to each other, but the Eisaman plot in Arcadia doesn’t allow for the burial of non-blood relatives there.

Linda Badgett is William Eisaman’s sister. She argues her brother was clear about where he wanted his final resting spot located. Her lawyer also contends Eisaman didn’t get permission from the probate court to move the body.

MORE: The Courier