2024 Farm Science Review in the books

In good times and bad, Ohio agriculture boils down to relationships and serving others. With that in mind, the Ohio’s Country Journal/Ohio Ag Net staff had a great time connecting (and re-connecting) with readers and listeners during the week of the 2024 Farm Science Review.

More than 108,000 attendees made the trip to the Molly Caren Agricultural Center for the 62nd annual Farm Science Review, presented by The Ohio State University College Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, bringing together tens of thousands of farmers and exhibitors from the region who are experiencing one of the worst droughts in recent history.

The weather, farm safety and stress, and new products and innovations were topics of interest over the course of the three-day event.

Highlights from the show included:

Aaron Wilson, state climatologist and field specialist with Ohio State University Extension, gave several expert presentations on “Cultivating Resilience: Are You Prepared for Extreme Weather?”… Continue reading