2025 Pest & Disease Outlook

By James Hoorman, Hoorman Soil Health Services

The 2025 winter weather has been colder than most years. Temperatures in the teens and single digits have caused the soil to freeze deep. While this may be good for reducing some insects and other pests, it can also be harmful to wheat and hay crops. How deep the soil freezes will depend upon the amount of snowfall received. Snow acts like a natural insulator, so it blankets the soil, keeping it from freezing as deep.

This year, it appears that the Northern part of Ohio had less snow than some areas to the south. Reports from the Toledo area show it had much less snow than a few counties to the south. The snow keeps the wind from desiccating crops like wheat, barley, hay (alfalfa, red clover, etc.) and cover crops. Several northern farmers are already reporting damage to their wheat and barley crops.… Continue reading