Are the season’s lows already in place?

By Doug Tenney, Leist Mercantile

Last month I was getting gas for my pickup truck. I was soon in conversation with the gentleman right beside me. He remarked that on this early September late afternoon when the daily high struggled to reach 70 degrees, he liked hot days in sharp contrast to his wife who did not. As the conversation continued, he informed me he was going to be camping and shooting in Marengo where I know there is a huge shooting range. I continued by informing him I knew the husband of one of Cindy’s decades long fellow teachers who also was an avid shooter and camper. It turns out, the two of them have been shooting buddies since 1976. I told my new gasoline buddy, Andy, “Beat Ron by a huge margin.” I then called Ron to say, “Andy says he is going to smoke you.” Here’s to hoping that the good-natured kidding between your farming buddies can continue despite the poor summer weather this year.… Continue reading