Bogus rally to end 2024

By Doug Tenney, Leist Mercantile

Late last fall I had just come home from an afternoon bike ride with friends which took us to Tar Hollow State Forest, located in Hocking, Ross, and Vinton counties. It was dark and rains would follow the next day two days. The yard needed one final mow and for leaves to be mulched. I did what seemed logical at the time. Soon I was grabbing a headlamp which strapped to my forehead. I wasted no time mowing my entire yard and still it was dark. Not much different than planting in the dark when weather conditions dictate that in April and May.

As I put the finishing touches on this column, I realized that not only is central Ohio on the cusp of what appears to be a major winter storm in which snow accumulations could reach six inches or more, we are smack dab in the throes of a prolonged cold snap, which could still be around when reading this column.… Continue reading