How to grow ‘em into champions

By Don “Doc” Sanders

In the late 1980s a farmer with a small swine operation in Champaign County occasionally called me with a health issue in one or more of his sows. To protect his identity, I am calling him Jack. Sometimes it was a gilt (young but mature female pig) delivering her first litter of pigs. Other times it might be to fix a prolapsed rectum in a grower pig or sometimes in an adult sow.

These swine prolapse cases occur primarily because of feeding moldy corn to the pigs. Other health issues may contribute to this condition, but moldy feed has to be considered the most likely cause.

I enjoyed providing vet service to this farm because the owner I would classify as a unique character. His swine operation consisted of a dozen or so sows and one boar. I might be called to provide veterinary care to the farm once or twice a year or so.… Continue reading