Making storage decisions this fall

By Jon Scheve, Superior Feed Ingredients, LLC

With harvest nearly in full swing across the U.S., many farmers are asking me “which crop should I store if I am limited on space?” My farm operation has over 100% on-farm storage capacity, and I highly recommend most farmers should be as well. Having 100% on-farm storage capacity not only simplifies harvest storage decisions and increases flexibility, but it also allows for more low-risk opportunities to maximize profit potential. 

Despite the benefits, many farmers are still resistant to having more storage for a variety of reasons. Therefore, those farmers will need to analyze their own unique situation to determine what is more profitable for them to store at home.  

Following is what I think a farmer should consider:

Consideration 1 — Interest on an operating note

The cost to not pay your operating note off and continue holding grain in storage is probably the most important consideration when deciding which crop to store. … Continue reading