Maximize yield and minimize risk: The case for at-planting fungicide applications

Adam Byrne – FMC Technical Service Manager

As Ohio farmers prepare for the 2025 growing season, early-season input decisions are top of mind. One key consideration is fungicide application, and FMC’s Xyway fungicide offers a unique approach—providing season-long disease protection when applied at planting. In this video interview with Ohio Ag Net’s Joel Penhorwood, FMC Technical Service Manager Adam Byrne discusses the benefits of this innovative product and how it fits into modern crop management strategies.

Unlike traditional foliar fungicides that require multiple applications throughout the season, Xyway is designed to be incorporated into the soil at planting. This systemic solution allows for disease protection from the inside out, helping to combat key threats such as gray leaf spot, northern and southern corn leaf blight, and the increasingly problematic tar spot. According to Byrne, the product not only enhances disease resistance but also supports plant health by improving root mass and nutrient uptake, especially in challenging weather conditions.… Continue reading