Maximizing ROI with on-farm research: A look at the 2024 eFields Report

By Stephanie Karhoff and Greg LaBarge

The eighth edition of eFields was recently published, featuring 260 on-farm research trials across 42 Ohio counties. On-farm research enables growers to test new products or practices and determine their effectiveness. By conducting trials on their farms, producers can gain data-driven insights tailored to their specific fields, soil types, and growing conditions to improve profitability.

This article highlights select pest and nutrient management. Pest management studies evaluating fungicide efficacy in corn and soybean, flaming for weed control, and emerging technologies such as drone pesticide applications and target spray application systems. Nutrient management studies corn nitrogen rate, manure nutrient use and sulfur on corn and soybeans.

One fungicide efficacy trial was conducted by Extension educator Caden Buschur in Darke County. It compared an untreated control to corn treated with either Trivapro (13.7 fl. oz. per acre) or AzoxyProp (14 fl. oz. per acre) fungicide at R1 (pages 68-69).… Continue reading