Northern Ohio fares well in 2024 yield contests

By Matt Reese

Far northern Ohio farmers fared well in the state’s corn and wheat yield contests. Ohio’s winners were recognized in February at the Celebration of Ohio Corn & Wheat in Bucyrus.

Kent Edwards of Erie County came out at the top of the Ohio entries in the National Corn Yield Contest last year.

“It’s an opportunity to show what you’re doing maybe a little bit differently and just see how you compare to everybody else. We were in the sweet spot there for a while. We had timely rains — just enough to get us by,” Edwards said. “It got dry really late, and our beans took more of a hit but our corn was actually really good.”

Really good may be a bit of an understatement — Edwards posted an impressive 344.8225-bushel entry with 110-day Pioneer P10811AM in the Conventional Non-Irrigated Category.

“We were very pleasantly surprised after we got in the combine and started the corn,” he said.… Continue reading