Not all is sweet with sugar

By Don “Doc” Sanders

This commentary dates back to my days of building a veterinary practice with my wife, Dr. Judy. We were running all hours of the day and night to provide veterinary care to our clients’ pets and large animals, not to mention providing our clients information on disease prevention and optimizing their animals’ health at home and on the farm. I also counseled clients on optimizing health and production performance of livestock.

Dr. Judy and I worked to the best of our abilities, whatever hours were needed, to provide veterinary care. We never took a full-fledged vacation for the first five years of our practice. Oh sure, we got a day off, here and there. Most often that was during corn planting or harvest season.

So, how did we keep up the pace? Sometimes one of us could slip away for a nap. My late afternoon go-to was Mountain Dew.… Continue reading