OSU Corn Deoxynivalenol, DON, (Vomitoxin) Resistance Screening Program results available

By Jason Hartschuh, CCA, Rich Minyo, Pierce Paul, Stephanie Karhoff, CCA, Ohio State University Extension

With support from Ohio Corn and Wheat through the Corn Check Off, Ohio State University conducted its second year of corn deoxynivalenol (DON) hybrid susceptibility screening. The objective of this project was to identify hybrids with partial genetic resistance to DON. 

Use these results with caution as we were not able to evaluate the effects of all possible weather environments on DON production. This trial was conducted at three locations across the state that represent different production regions: Apple Creek, Bucyrus, and South Charleston. Hybrids varied in maturity, so weather conditions may not have been conducive for ear infection and DON production by the fungus Fusarium graminearumduring each individual hybrid pollination window, despite using three different environments.

All locations had low levels of natural infection across all maturity groups. To increase Gibberella ear rot (GER) development, and consequently, DON contamination of grain, plots were also inoculated at all three locations.… Continue reading