Real estate purchase legalities
By Leisa Boley Hellwarth
I’m reviewing documents and numbers for a real estate closing. This is the final step in purchasing a property, when the buyer and seller sign documents to transfer ownership. It’s also known as a settlement or escrow. Preparing for this transaction jolted my memory into recalling the very first real estate closing I ever participated in over 30 years ago.
I worked my way through law school as a makeup artist. The Clinique Counter Manager was a friend of mine, and she requested I represent her when she bought a house. She also had a realtor, as did the buyer. On the day of the closing, I recall putting on a charcoal gray suit to appear professional and capable. This turned out to be an all-female transaction. Buyer was female. Seller was female. Buyer’s realtor was female. Seller’s realtor was female. And the room was full of floral dresses and lots of perfume and makeup.… Continue reading