Slug Management Considerations and Statewide Monitoring Update

By Dr. Kelley Tilmon, adapted from C.O.R.N. 2024-18

We have been receiving more reports this season than usual of slug damage in corn and soybeans, either through plant feeding or through seed feeding in open seed trenches.  Emerging corn plants are less susceptible to lasting damage than soybean plants because the growing point of corn is below the ground when the plant emerges, so the corn will continue to put out new leaves, even if defoliated.  In soybean, the growing point is within the emerging cotyledons – feeding here can damage the growing point, killing the plant.  On the other hand, soybeans can tolerate more stand loss than corn without losing yield, because the existing plants bush out and become larger, up to a point.  For advice on soybean replant decisions, visit

Not many treatment options are available for slugs in corn and soybean.  The most effective treatment to date is baited pellets containing metaldehyde. … Continue reading