Soybean Production, a seed industry perspective in 2024 (Part 3)

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

Craig Hurley currently has the position of Soybean Lead for Beck’s. The Ohio Field Leader recently had a conversation with Hurley, discussing changes in the industry that have positioned it where it is today.

OFL – When we look at a soybean plant structure above the ground, it’s all about capturing sunlight. The goal is to get the plant canopy closed as soon as possible to help capture as much sunlight as possible. Below ground there’s another structure equally important to the plant, and Becks has been doing some fascinating research looking at root structures. You have been examining the root system and the potential of a root system in a in an uninhibited environment, lacking most any stress or environment issues to see how you can maximize the root system.

Hurley – We call this project Root Reveal.… Continue reading