Soybean Production, a seed industry perspective in 2024 (Part 4)

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

Craig Hurley currently has the position of Soybean Lead for Beck’s. The Ohio Field Leader recently had a conversation with Hurley, discussing changes in the industry that have positioned it where it is today.

OFL – If you listen to some climatologists, we’re seeing more traditional southern weather patterns moving north. Our seasonal weather seems to be changing in terms of when the growing season starts, with fewer working days at the beginning due to weather, and then a prolonged fall with the warm temperatures lasting longer. How do you see that scenario playing into managing a soybean crop? We talked about the importance of getting it in the ground as early as possible, under the right conditions.  We also often say it’s those August rains that really determine how the beans will yield at the end of the year.… Continue reading