Soybean Resilience Blueprint

By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off

Science for Success is a Soybean Check-off funded program that will be offering a two-part webinar series titled “Soybean Resilience Blueprint – Adapting to Climate, Cost and Change.” The sessions will be held on Friday, February 28th and Friday, March 14th. The February 28th webinar session will focus on climate challenges in soybean production, and explore the impacts of changing weather on soybean production and offer actionable insights into overcoming these challenges.

“It is a really diverse geography represented on this webinar,” said Dr. Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension State Soybean and Small Grains Specialist. “Science for success represents 90% of the soybean acres in the US. It is a huge network, and it is always nice to pull from other universities across the country where soybeans are grown.”

The speakers for February 28th include Dr.… Continue reading