Strategic Initiatives for the United Soybean Board in 2025
By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Field Leader, a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and Soybean Check-off
The United Soybean Board (USB) recently held their annual strategic planning meeting, followed closely by meetings with farmers and other commodity groups at Commodity Classic 2025. Phillip Good is a soybean farmer from Macon, Mississippi, and was recently elected to serve as Chaiman of the board. Brent Gatton is a soybean farmer from Kentucky and serves as Vice Chair. The Ohio Field Leader had the opportunity to catch-up with Phillip and Brent at Commodity Classic and discuss the key initiatives for the coming year.
OFL – You’ve had a really busy couple days with everything that goes on with commodity classic, but even before that, a just a few weeks ago you had the USB strategic planning meeting for the year. Talk a little bit about the work of USB and some of the big things you hope to accomplish as you allocate check-off dollars toward projects in the coming year.… Continue reading