Tax savings can add up when depreciating excess soil fertility
By Joe Everett, Ohio Ag Net
In the last year or so, farmers around the state have been getting postcards in the mail pointing out that “Many farmers aren’t aware that their land’s fertility can lead to tax deductions.”
While some surely dismissed it as junk mail and threw the post card in the trash, other farmers started asking questions and making phone calls to learn more.
“Our first introduction to this was also from that same postcard. We had a lot of customers that brought us that postcard and asked what our opinion was of it and if it was legit or not. We started to do a little more investigation and yes, it is legit — it’s IRS Tax Code 180,” said Clint Nester, CCA, of Nester Ag, LLC in Williams County. “They can take those nutrients that are on the soil test and deduct them off a new land purchase.… Continue reading