The life of a Japanese TV star
By Shelly Detwiler, a berry farmer and dietician
Question of the day. What would you do if you got a direct message on Instagram, and it said, “Would you like to be on a Japanese TV show?”
A. Delete it
B. Ignore it
C. Sure! I’d love to be on a Japanese TV show!
Chances are most people would overwhelmingly choose A or B. What is your immediate thought? This is a scam? Fake news?
Last February I read the first line of this exact message and my first thought was this was a scam, but I ultimately said, “What the heck? Yeah!” and I chose C! I mean who would not want to be on a Japanese TV show? My “Sure” reply initiated a series of events and ended with an incredible journey about edamame, Japan, and the Japanese people. Believe it or not, I have got a story to share with you.… Continue reading