Thrills and adventures in Columbia

By Don “Doc” Sanders

Colombia is a great country to visit, with beautiful mountains, border ranches and countryside, clearly displaying the importance of agriculture to the nation. And that’s why I was there, on one of my international consulting trips.

I and my late wife, Kristen, found the environmental conditions to be ideal when we arrived in Bogota on a Delta flight. It was the dead of winter in Colombia, with daytime temperatures peaking at 75degrees F and nighttime temperatures in the 60s.

I was prepared for the weather. I wore Bermuda shorts, polo shirt, and ball cap. My choice of clothing was a telltale sign to my fellow passengers that I was a gringo. Nearly all the men and women on the flight wore parkas. Many of the women also wore a muffler or shawl. In line on the tarmac to pick up their luggage, the women shivered, their faces peeking out from their protection against the wind.… Continue reading