Welcome September and let the autumn adventures begin

By Barb Lumley

Well, here we are — it’s September. Seems like only a few days ago we were just starting June. Where did our summer go!? Just like a wisp of smoke in a brisk summer breeze, summer was observed for a few moments and then gone. The children are settled back into school and the morning routines for the families have been established. The big yellow buses keep traffic slowed down both morning and afternoon. Watch out for them. Keep the children safe!

Fall brings with it numerous activities. Football games have begun everywhere — high school, college and the National Football League. People everywhere are cheering and supporting their favorite teams and wearing their colors. For just a few hours troubles can be put aside as joy is found in a favorite sport.

There are fields lying full of bright orange pumpkins just waiting to be picked. Children are excited about choosing just the right ones and enjoying the fun of carving faces.… Continue reading