What’s wrong in America?
By Don “Doc” Sanders
We are becoming the “gimee-gimee” generation. Everywhere I look, politicians are scheming to provide their districts with “election candy.” I know that not every congressman manipulates the system, but enough of them do to make corruption easy. Yet, a few congressmen have stellar track records in working to reduce government spending and overreach.
In the midst of political maneuvering in our government, many societal issues remain in need of fixing. These range from our government paying for free tuition at our colleges and universities, to enabling illegal immigrants to enter our country with cursory background screening, along with providing them free housing, free education, driver’s licenses, and most of the privileges that make Americans unique.
I’m not saying we should ban new immigrants to the U.S. My complaint is that our politicians make it a free-for-all, with little or no effective control. That is, you all come!… Continue reading