Community Events for Sunday, November 4

Fall Festival Today, 11:30am-3pm at Sts. Peter & Paul Parish, Ottawa. Family-style dinners ($9/Adults, $5/Under Age 12), crafts, baked goods, holiday items, games, more.

Blood Donor Drive Tomorrow, 8:30am-1:30pm at Columbus Grove High School. Walk-in’s welcome or make an appointment at

Election Day Soup & Sandwich Super on Tuesday, 4-7pm at Enon Valley Presbyterian Church (US224E). Cost is a donation for the church’s building maintenance fund.
(No contact number)

Blood Donor Drive on Wednesday, 1-7pm at Upper Room Church of God (W Bigelow Ave). Walk-in’s welcome or make an appointment at

All veterans are invited to the annual Veterans Day ceremony at Chamberlin Hill Intermediate School on Friday, 10am. Lunch will be served following the program.

Fall Bazaar on Friday, November 9, 10am-4pm and Saturday, November 10, 10am-1pm at Hilty Home, Pandora. Crafts, baked goods, homemade food, more. Proceeds to help fund resident activities.

Steak Supper on Saturday, November 10, 5-7pm at Gilboa United Methodist Church. The only cost is a free-will donation. Sponsored by the church Trustee Committee. Carry-out available.
(No contact number)

Bluffton University Jazz Ensemble & Gospel Choir concert on Saturday, November 10, 6pm at Yoder Recital Hall on the BU campus. Free, offering taken to benefit music scholarships.
(No contact number)

Gospel Concert & Dinner on Sunday, November 11 at the Iron Skillet Restaurant, North Baltimore. Dinner at 5pm, Music by Living Water at 6pm. Presented by Truck Stop Ministries.
(419-704-0242 or 419-934-5456)

“Roots & Wings” – a five-week program to help children (age 8-12) discover the importance of faith through the arts – begins Wednesday, November 15, 10am-Noon or 6-8pm. For info & registration:

Blood Donor Drive on Thursday, November 15, 11am-5pm at St. Mark’s United Methodist Church (S Main St). Walk-in’s welcome or make an appointment at

Gospel Concert on Saturday, November 17 at The Lighthouse (US224W), featuring Jim Boedicker, Living Water, Jamie Tolley & Olga Kipp. Food available at 5pm, music at 6pm. Free, offering taken.

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