Bomb Squad Called In After Person Finds Suspicious Substance

(From the Tiffin Police Department)

This afternoon (Wednesday) Tiffin Police took a report from a local citizen who had something unusual.

The citizen had just purchased an old safe and found sealed vials with a liquid in them.

Not knowing what they could be he brought them to the police department.

Ofc. Drew Westenbarger investigated and found the vials were likely filled with a dangerous liquid used in the early 1900’s to deter safe crackers.

After further investigation the liquid was believed to be chloropicrin.

This chemical was used in World War I as a toxic tear gas.

The preferred method of disposal for chloropicrin is controlled demolition.

Tiffin PD contacted the Toledo bomb squad.

Officers from that unit responded and assisted.

After their assessment they also believed it to be chloropicrin.

The vials were transported to a remote location where the Toledo bomb squad conducted a controlled demolition.