City Seeking Input And Ideas For New Fort Findlay Playground

(From the City of Findlay)

The City of Findlay is thrilled to present a vision (see images below) for the future of Emory Adams Park and we are asking for your input.

The current Fort Findlay playground has been well-loved by our community since 2001.

The existing structure requires upgrades and maintenance that are unsustainable and require a new park to be built.

The renderings below allow Fort Findlay Playground to remain a community staple while creating increased sightlines for safety and accessibility for all.

We want to know what is important to you as we prioritize different park features.

A community input survey has been created in order to gather responses.

The survey may be accessed on the front page of the City’s website and will remain open until Friday, August 23, 2024.

Whether you’re a frequent visitor or someone who enjoys the parks occasionally, thank you for taking the time to give us your insights.


If you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact