Congressman Jim Jordan Aiming For House Speaker Role

10/23/18 – 5:16 A.M.

Republican Jim Jordan says he would allow for more debate in the House of Representatives if he were the House speaker. Jordan talked about his aspirations during a stop in Findlay Monday. Jordan says if Republicans keep control of the House and he is re-elected in Ohio’s 4th District, he will work to become Speaker of the House.

Jordan says in that role he could force votes on spending cuts, construction of a border security wall, and replacement of the Affordable Care Act. He added that a lack of political will from party leaders has kept those goals from getting accomplished.

Jordan says Paul Ryan and John Boehner choked off public debate. He would allow longer debates on the floor of the house. He also said he would work to end the concentration of power in the House to only a few top officials.

MORE: The Courier