Council At Large Forum Shows Discussion Between Democratic And Republican Candidates
10/10/17 – 10:39 P.M.
There was a candidate forum for Findlay City Council At-Large candidates Tuesday. One of the topics was about the city saving money for a rainy day. The Republican candidates and current incumbents said that this is being done already.
Those speaking were Jeff Wobser, Tom Shindledecker, and Grant Russel respectively. The Democratic candidates said there should be practices of putting money back and using it to fix the community.
The speakers were Barb Lockard, Heidi Mercer, and Mary Harshfield in order.
Anotherof the topics was the opioid epidemic. Democratic candidates said that the city should be doing more and having police carry the overdose-reversing drug Narcan.
The speakers were Heidi Mercer, Mary Harshfield, and Barb Lockard respectively. Their Republican counterparts said that there are reasons police officers don’t carry Narcan and that they should wait to see what happens at the state level.
Republicans on Opioid Epidemic
The order of those speaking is Jeff Wobser, Tom Shindledecker, and Grant Russel. Shindledecker did clarify that Findlay Police would be getting Narcan soon.
There are three open seats for Findlay City Council At Large. You can see the full video from UFTV below.