Fewer Water Complaints Logged In Findlay

11/7/18 – 6:52 A.M.

There are fewer complaints about the taste and smell of Findlay’s water, but some problems remain. The Courier reports Service Director Brian Thomas gave an update on the issue during Tuesday’s council meeting. Thomas says residents who are still having problems are likely on dead-end lines. He adds the city is flushing fire hydrants in those areas to try and force the water in question out of the system.

Thomas also says the city is working to find the best way to release the results of EPA water tests. Some people have questioned test results that say the water is safe to drink.

The city has said turnover at the reservoirs led to water with a bad smell or taste. When the temperature dropped from the 80s to near freezing rapidly, warmer water at the bottom of the reservoir rose to the top, carrying more organic material with it to the water treatment plant.

MORE: The Courier

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