Findlay Service League Accepting Requests For Volunteers And Funding

(From Findlay Service League)

Findlay Service League announces the launch of their service year and are accepting requests for volunteers and funding. Nonprofit organizations are eligible to request volunteers or funds for projects and events happening between September 2024 and April 2025. A sum of just over $31,000 in community funding is available.

We had another record year of service and fundraising last year and we are excited to put the $31,000 back into other community non-profits in need. We at Findlay Service League are looking forward to new and continuing service requests.

Community Impact

Last year, Findlay Service League Members contributed 842 hours of volunteer hours and granted $16,000 in funding requests, which helped 18 community organizations. Findlay Service League also awarded $3,000 in the Spirit of Volunteerism Scholarships to two graduating high school seniors who exemplified a life dedicated to service.

Each year Findlay Service League identifies a need in the local community for Make a Difference Day (MADD). The 2024 MADD project will once again be “We make a difference. Period.” Findlay Service League Members will be collecting period products to distribute to schools in Findlay and throughout Hancock County. Last year we gathered and packed enough product that we not only supplied period products to Findlay schools, but also to Hancock County Schools with a total of 14 schools benefiting from this project. 

The provisional (new members) class hosts Done in a Day projects throughout the service year. Done in a Day projects identifies local organizations and attempts to fulfill their supply list needs.

We would love to have more ladies join our mission of Findlay Service League which is: “The purpose of FSL shall be to: Initiate and implement service projects to meet community needs.  Support local 501(c)3 charities and financial contributions. Offer opportunities to members to develop effective volunteer and leadership skills.