Hancock County Jobs And Family Services Seeking Funds
01/30/18 – 5:55 P.M.
Hancock County Jobs and Family Services will have a levy on the May ballot for child and adult protection services. Director Diana Hoover explained that costs are going up while funding is going down.
Hoover said foster care costs have increased 56% and adult protection costs have doubled in the past two years. She added that the opioid epidemic has played a significant role in this increase. There’s no word yet on how much the levy will be for.
Hancock JFS supervisor Karmen Lauth said they will be holding a fundraising and awareness event at the Wine Merchant.
Lauth said that JFS tries to let people know about the services they offer but aren’t always successful. This event will help to raise money as well as show people what JFS does to help families.
It will be from 5-7 p.m. at the Wine Merchant. The event costs $10 and includes wine samples and a silent auction.