It’s Not Too Late To Get Your Flu Shot

1/15/18 – 5:15 A.M.

The flu season is in full swing, and several people in the area have felt its effects. Local health officials say it’s not too late to get your flu shot. While the vaccine can vary in how effective it is, the Ohio Department of Health says vaccines still prevent thousands of flu-related hospitalizations each year. Sometimes the vaccine can simply reduce the severity of flu symptoms.

The health department also says you should take precautions to make sure you don’t spread the flu bug. Simple things like washing your hands, coughing or sneezing into your elbows rather than your hands, and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth go a long way.

Colleen Abrams is an infection preventionist at Blanchard Valley Health System. She tells the Courier you should stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading the flu.

Blanchard Valley Health System has imposed visitor limitations at Blanchard Valley Hospital and Bluffton Hospital. The limitation asks that all children age 14 and younger refrain from visiting the hospital for the time being. BVHS will lift the visitor limitation when the number of influenza and respiratory illness cases decrease in the area.

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