Judge Routson Explains How New Budget Affects Courts

07/10/17 – 5 A.M.

The new state budget will be making things more difficult for local courts. Hancock County Common Pleas Court Judge Reginald Routson said that there are fewer options to handle probation violations.

Reginald Routson

He added that these only apply so long as no new crime was committed during the violation. This could be staying out past curfew or missing a meeting.

Aside from limitations, the budget will also hurt the amount of state money going to local courts. Routson said that this will hurt because the workload will be going up due to the limitations of the court’s options for prison.


Reginald Routson

The Hancock County Commissioners are putting a three-quarter percent sales tax in front of voters in November. Routson said that this could be helpful in filling in the reduced money from the state.

You can listen to the full interview below.