Local Teachers Awarded Golden Apples For Their Achievements In The Classroom

10/17/18 – 10:30 p.m.

The 28th Annual Golden Apple Awards Dinner celebrated outstanding teachers Wednesday evening. The awards honor nominated area teachers in elementary, middle, and high school. Nominees in the elementary section included Van Buren intervention specialist Bridgett Bunn fourth grade teachers Jeanine Baker and Jennifer Stillings from Bigelow Hill. Jeanine Baker took home the award.

Jeanine Baker

Sue-Harrington-Williams of Donnell won the middle school section.

Sue Harrington-Williams

She was facing up against Miranda Kennedy from Vanlue and David Sorenson from Arlington.

Krista Bigger of Findlay High School won the high school section.

Krista Bigger

She was up against Gary Holland of Cory-Rawson and Lisa Willson who was also from Findlay High School.

Each winner got $2,500 to spend on their classroom.