Mennonite Memorial Home In Bluffton To Offer Classes For People With Movement Disorders

02/14/18 – 6:02 P.M.

Bluffton will be offering classes for people suffering from Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders. RN Tricia Herrmann said that the classes will teach people how to get through everyday things.

Tricia Herrmann

She added that they will also work on maintaining memory functions. She said that loss of memory comes with not using it over time.

A referral from a physician is needed to attend the classes. If falling is an issue, the participant needs to come with someone during the classes. The class will be at the Mennonite Memorial Home in Bluffton from 1-2 p.m. in the chapel on Mondays and Thursdays. You can RSVP by calling Herrman at 419-358-1015.

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