Missing Elderly Woman Located In Tiffin

(From the Tiffin Police Department)

Tiffin Police responded to a 100 block Erie St. residence this afternoon (7-9-24) for a 75 year old female that had went missing from the residence.

Tiffin Police immediately launched an intensive search calling in extra officers including Drone operators, detectives, and the K9 Unit.

Numerous leads were screened by dispatchers during the search. Tiffin Fire and Rescue, Seneca County Sheriff’s Office, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Seneca County CERT, and ProMedica Mobile Air Unit all provided valuable assistance during the four hour search effort.

In times like this it’s nice to see the community come together and also provide valuable assistance.

It was obvious to Tiffin Police that numerous citizens were out trying to help locate the missing female. That assistance is what eventually led officers to her location.

A concerned citizen was walking an alley and thought she saw a tarp move. Upon closer inspection she noticed feet sticking out from under the tarp.

She called 911 and reported that to dispatchers. Officers quickly arrived at the location and confirmed it was the missing female.

Tiffin Fire and Rescue was called to the location to assess the victim and provide necessary medical care. The female was transported to Tiffin Mercy Hospital for further assessment where she was also reunited with close family members.

Lt. Jason Windsor